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Friday, November 16, 2007

Is Google Payload the next Money Tap or Scam? by imaseocontest

imaseocontest asks : Can Google Payload really bring us the Big Bucks or is it Just another SCAM?

"With Pay Per Click Costs rising at a phenomenal rate. The competition has gotten so heavy in affiliate marketing that even the biggest players have to pay insane prices and survive on razor thin margins. "

So it Seems that the current hype on the next Money Tap is on Google Payload. Thou there are certain negative comments on GP, some people actually profit from it. Still it really depends if u really follow the guidelines, GP is like a reverse psychology thing which if applied correctly, u can really increase your earnings, however u still have to work hard to gain a steady income from the internet. Well, i don't know for u, but it does helps me a bit on earnings per day, let me know if someone have really make a big buck from it, cheers...By: imaseocontest

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